Photo- Garage Door Installation in Sandy UT.

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Do You Need Garage Door Replacement Panels or New Doors?

In the 63% of homes that have a garage or carport, it’s not uncommon for people to end up damaging the lightweight garage doors standard on most garages.

If you’ve got a typical garage door, it’s made of three panels. If one gets damaged, you may be considering whether to replace the whole door with a new garage door installation or just get some new garage door replacement panels.

Whether your door was damaged by weather, backing your car a little too far up your driveway, or just old age, you need to fix your garage door. Leaving it broken could let the weather in, causing damage to the things you store in your garage. Rolling up a broken door could also bend the track or cause the door to come off the track.

Rather than risk one of these headaches, it’s better to fix the problem. When deciding whether you need to invest in an entire door or just purchase one of the garage door replacement panels, ask yourself this question.

How Old Is Your Door? 

The age of your door can weigh heavily on your decision whether to repair or replace. Garage doors are meant to last 20-25 years before they lose their integrity. If your garage door is newer, it might be worthwhile to preserve the rest of the door and replace one panel.

Photo- Wooden Garage Door Installation.
Two car wooden garage door installation.

If you’ve got an older door, it might be hard to find the right part or a used part. While looks are important, your replacement needs to match the size and weight of your current door.

An older door might not have the same kinds of safety and energy-efficiency features of a newer door. If you’ve thought about selling your house, upgrading to a new door could be worth your while. 


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Same Day Garage Door Repair. Text Us For A Free Estimate.